Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hugging for money = trouble with the law

Switzerlaura is back, bloggership! Stay tuned throughout the coming week(s)!

As for the subject line...

A group of Ian's colleagues hit the streets at Place St. Francois to kick off their "Hugs for Charity" campaign. They hugged each other (for free), and then proceeded to offer hugs to the public in return for a donation. At 10CHF, these hugs weren't cheap, but the IMD kids must have good technique: within two minutes, they sold three hugs! Then they were approached by a man who, no, did not want to pay to be hugged, but rather wanted to inform the hug ringleader of a few things:
1) said no-hugging man was a plain clothes police officer
2) begging for money is illegal in Lausanne
3) hug ringleader (Roberto) may shortly find himself under arrest, particularly if he can't produce his residency permit.

Crisis was averted and no one was incarcerated, but official police notes were taken and the charity venture was a bust.

The sixties may be gone, but love is still free in Lausanne.

Laura of the Cautionary Tale

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