Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Elvis has left the building

This is Elvis, in Finance class. Jim Ellert apparently taught Bob Brooks about 40 years ago. Bob may have fallen asleep in much the same way as Elvis. Did Bob snore? An interesting question...

Finance class is for losers. Too bad I have 16 hours of it this week. On the brighter side, Elvis gets more cheerful as he gets better rested.

Ian (daily posts) Brooks


Brenda / Mom said...

Finance "is for losers"??? Hopefully your father won't see this blog post!

Anonymous said...

I am reminded of Ray's (in)famous get-Laura-out-of-school notes:

"Please excuse Laura from class today. School is for losers."

I will spring you from IMD using this bamboozlery. Lisa, Celine, and Co. won't know what to make of it. Let our Easter holiday begin early!

Brenda / Mom said...

When are you going Laura? He definitely needs a break. Imagine not being enthralled by Finance?

Brenda / Mom said...

When are you going Laura? He definitely needs a break. Imagine not being enthralled by Finance?